Public Sub additem(item_text As String, ParamArray item_subitems() As Variant)
Dim Item As ListItem, i As Integer
Set Item = mvarlist.ListItems.Add(, , item_text)
For i = 1 To UBound(item_subitems) + 1
If i < mvarlist.ColumnHeaders.Count Then Item.SubItems(i) = item_subitems(i - 1)
End Sub
Public Sub addcolumn(col_name As String, col_key, col_width As Double, col_grow As Boolean, Optional col_edit As Boolean = False, Optional col_align As Integer = lvwColumnLeft, Optional col_show As Boolean = True)
'adds and defines the column header settings storing them in the clsColumnSettings collection
Dim Col As ColumnHeader
Set Column = New clsColumnSettings
Column.colwidth = col_width
Column.align = col_align
Column.edit = col_edit
Column.grow = col_grow = col_show
Set Col = mvarlist.ColumnHeaders.Add(, col_key, col_name, col_width, col_align)
Column.index = Col.index
Columns.Add Column, col_key
End Sub
Public Property Set list(ByVal vData As Object)
'define which listview control the class is controlling